Author Archives: Eileen Samberg

Annual Meeting, May 7, 2014

The Annual Meeting of SOLF  featuring a presentation  by Dr. Thomas French from  Massachusetts Fish and Widlife was held May 7, 2014 at the Southborough Community House.

Dr. French,  Assistant Director  for the Department of Fish and Game’s (DFG) Natural Heritage Program spoke  on the History of  Wildlife Conservation  and Recovery in Massachusetts, from the overabundance of wildlife encountered by our earliest settlers to the endangerment of many species because of the loss of woodlands and over hunting in the 18th and 19th centuries. He also discussed recent and projected changes to the suburban wildlife of our region, including the increased sightings of bear and moose. Dr. French has graciously shared his presentation with us and you can download it here as a pdf file (7.3 mb).

It was also announced that the Elaine Beals Conservation Award was presented to Betty Meyer. Because Betty was unable to be at the meeting to receive the award, it will be presented at a ceremony later in the year. This award is presented annually by SOLF  to a person who has worked to help protect the environment in Southborough. Betty, a 23 year member of the Board of Trustees of SOLF was honored for her contributions to SOLF and the preservation of open land in Southborough.

Dr. Thomas French

Dr. French answering questions

Join Us For Our Annual Meeting, May 7, at 7:00 pm, Southborough Community House

Please join us for our annual meeting featuring a presentation  by Dr. Thomas French, from  Massachusetts Fish and Widlife.

Dr. French serves as the Assistant Director  for the Department of Fish and Game’s (DFG) Natural Heritage Program. The DFG program was created in 1983 with the goal of protecting and conserving the hundreds of rare and threatened species found in Massachusetts. He conducts regulatory reviews of construction and transportation projects to make sure animal habitats aren’t disrupted.  In his presentation to SOLF,   Dr. French  will be speaking on recent and projected changes to the suburban wildlife of our region, including the increased sightings of bear and moose.

The Elaine Beals Conservation Award will also be presented at the meeting. This award is presented annually by SOLF  to a person who has worked to help protect the environment in Southborough.

There will be a short business meeting.  Refreshments will be served.

Please join us for this interesting and informative presentation. The meeting will be held at 7:00 pm, at the Community House, 28 Main Street, Southborough. The event is free and open to the public.

Beals Preserve Wildlife Survey Project Training

The training session for volunteers participating the the Beals Preserve Wildlife Survey Project is currently being offered on two dates. Volunteers participating in the project are required to attend one of the sessions.

Session 1: Sunday March 30, 1:00 PM. Meet at the end of Red Gate Lane.

Session 2: Thursday, April 3, 4:00 PM. Meet at the end of Red Gate Lane.

Please register by email to Freddie Gillespie.


2014 Wildlife Census Project at Beals Preserve

    SOLF is planning an exciting new multiyear census of the wildlife inhabiting our open spaces. Beginning in spring 2014,  SOLF will begin a census of the amphibians and reptiles that inhabit Beals Preserve. Currently, little is known about the density of these species on Beals Preserve. Our objective is to measure the species composition and density of reptiles and amphibians on this property and to determine its role in sustaining local amphibian and reptilian populations.

    The project is being planned and guided by Southborough resident and SOLF member Lawrence Spezzano Jr. The project will involve community volunteers and local educational institutions. As the project comes closer to implementation we will be seeking volunteers both to put the project in place and to make regular counts of the species observed.

    SOLF is always in need of volunteers who wish to donate a gift of time to open space preservation in Southborough. If you would like to volunteer to help us in any way please email


More Information on Volunteering to Help for Our Wildlife Survey at Beals Preserve

Beginning March 29,  we will place observation sites at regular intervals at a pond edge and meadow to provide a sample of amphibians and reptiles that live on Beals Preserve. Because amphibians and reptiles use their habitats in different ways and can be active both day and night, we are calling on volunteers to help us collect data 3 times daily (9-10 am, 2-3 pm and 7-9 pm (just after dusk). This exciting opportunity will both provide valuable insight into how our preserve is being used by reptiles and amphibians and provide a unique chance to explore nature and its remarkable diversity.

 All Volunteers will be provided training and support as needed.

Volunteers under the age of 18 will require parental permission and if under the age of 14 will need to be accompanied by an adult.  Attending a training session will be mandatory. Volunteers are responsible for transportation to and from the Beals Preserve.

Training overview:

  • Review of safety precautions including methods to avoid exposure to ticks and poison ivy.

  • Demonstration of the methods of data collection at the various observation sites

    • How to look for herps while walking along installed transects.

    • Observation and data collection of specimens collected in sunken buckets including measuring, weighing, and taking pictures before releasing.

  • Overview of record keeping: data on total number of individuals, individual mass, length, and gender before release of the individual.

  • Instructions on safety guidelines on how to handle amphibians and how to proceed if dead animals are found.

Additional notes

We are aware some volunteers may be fine handling frogs and salamanders but not like snakes. We can schedule around this preference as there are separate observation areas for snakes.

If you would like to volunteer, or would like more information, please contact Freddie Gillespie.

Ideally we are looking for volunteers to commit to one time slot a week but even less frequent participation will be welcomed.

The project is being planned and guided by Lawrence Spezzano Jr., M.Sc., M.Ed, a Science Teacher at Boston Latin School and assisted by Dr. Acacia Alcivar Warren, a One Health practitioner and conservation geneticist.


Volunteer to Help in Our Wildlife Survey at Beals Preserve

  Starting on March 30, we began to assess what wildlife inhabits the Beals Preserve. We  are focusing  our attention on New England “herps” (reptiles and amphibians)!  There are almost 50 species of turtles, snakes, frogs, toads and salamanders with documented ranges that include Massachusetts and little is known about which are found in  Beals Preserve.  Many are considered threatened or endangered and Beals Preserve could house critical populations!  So, on March 29, we  placed transects (observation sites at regular intervals) at a pond edge and meadow, to provide a small sample into amphibians and reptiles live in the preserve.  But we need your help!  Since herps use their habitats in different ways and can be active both day and night, especially in the warmer months, we are calling on volunteers to help us collect data 3 times daily (9-10 am, 2-3pm and 7-9 pm (just after dusk).  This exciting opportunity will both provide valuable insight into how our preserve is being used by local fauna and provide a unique chance to explore nature and its remarkable diversity. If you would like to volunteer, or would like more information, please contact, email Freddie Gillespie at  You need not volunteer for every day or each time slot to be of help to us.  The project is being planned and guided by Southborough resident and SOLF member Lawrence Spezzano Jr. You can read more about volunteering for this project here.

May 7, 2014. SOLF Annual Meeting at the Southborough Community House, 7:00PM

The annual meeting of SOLF will feature a presentation by Dr. Thomas French, from  Massachusetts Fish and Widlife.

Dr. French serves as the Assistant Director  for the Department of Fish and Game’s (DFG) Natural Heritage Program. The DFG program was created in 1983 with the goal of protecting and conserving the hundreds of rare and threatened species found in Massachusetts. He conducts regulatory reviews of construction and transportation projects to make sure animal habitats aren’t disrupted.  In his presentation to SOLF,   Dr. French  will be speaking on recent and projected changes to the suburban wildlife of our region, including the increased sightings of bear and moose.

The Elaine Beals Conservation Award will also be presented at the meeting. This award is presented annually by SOLF  to a person who has worked to help protect the environment in Southborough.

There will be a short business meeting.  Refreshments will be served.

Please join us for this interesting and informative presentation. The meeting will be held at 7:00 PM, at the Community House, 28 Main Street, Southborough. The event is free and open to the public.

Can Recycling, December 11, 2013

SOLF trustees emptied and bagged the bottle recycling bin at the Southborough Transfer Station on December 11, 2013. Money raised from the recycled bottles aids SOLF in its stewardship and educational activities. Thank you Acacia Warren, Carol Gay, Bill Sines, Hal Kiess, Bill Hohenberger, Amy Kassatly, Sally Watters, and Dick Dinjian for braving the cold and helping empty the bottle bin.


Photo by Sally Watters

Photo by Sally Watters

Become a SOLF Volunteer

There are always projects to be done on our properties, such as maintaining and improving trails, and controlling invasive plant species. SOLF relies heavily on volunteers to help us with these tasks. Additionally, we will soon begin a project  enumerating some of the wildlife at Beals Preserve. This project, too, will require volunteer help beyond that which the Trustees alone can provide. If you would like to help with any of these projects, please contact us with your interests.


Our 25th Anniversary Celebration

On a glorious Sunday afternoon, September 15, 2013, several hundred people came to Beals Preserve to help SOLF celebrate its 25th anniversary. With generous sponsorship from

  •  Middlesex Savings Bank

Middlesex savings_16


  • Charles F. Choate Fund
  • Digital Federal Credit Union DCU
  • Plourde Family Charitable Trust,

visitors enjoyed walking the trails of Beals Preserve and  the Art on the Trails displays coordinated by Catherine Weber, hearing the music of the Blackstone Valley Bluegrass Band,  participating in a silent auction  and viewing the paintings of  Will Kirkpatrick and the Oak Grove Painters. Nature artist and author Gordon Morrison led nature tours and demonstrated illustrating techniques, Emily van Nort provided “Nature” face painting, and Animal Adventures presented a wonderful show for both young and old. Informational displays included John Maguranis of Project Coyote, Dan Guildford of the Southborough Trails Committee, and Carl Guyer from the Southborough Green Technology and Recycling Committee.


More photos by Amanda Watters. Here is a link to lots of photos taken at the celebration by Amanda Watters. Thank you Amanda for sharing them with SOLF.

Photos by Amanda Watters



Thank You to all Who Helped Our Celebration

SOLF owes a tremendous thank you to all those who helped to make our 25th Anniversary Celebration on September 15 such a success. First a big thank you to the Beals family for donating the land that provides such a wonderful venue for events such as this.

Among the Members of the Board of Trustees we thank

Debbie Costine for the countless hours she spent coordinating the event – a party planner extraordinaire – and for donating a professional puppet performance to the silent auction.

Carol Gay for getting donations for the silent auction, keeping detailed records, remembering details, sending out publicity notices, and always being there to help.

Sally Watters for sending Constant Contact reminders, soliciting donations for and coordinating the silent auction, finding a source of tables and doing the pick up and return of them.

Betty Meyer for soliciting many donations for the silent auction.

Amy Kassatly for all her work to prepare the property and at the event.

Jake Walter for his work helping prepare the property and helping with set-up.

Attila Herczeg for help with setting up and his spirited bidding at the silent auction.

Hal Kiess for helping with set-up, break-down, and keeping the web site current.

Jack Barron for being our hospitable greeter and for donating the ever popular giant chocolate bar for the silent auction.

Hewitt Heiserman for helping with set-up and break-down.

Acacia Warren for the many hours she spent selling t-shirts and hats at the Transfer Station promoting SOLF, for selling food at the event, and donating a paella for the silent auction..

Bill Hohenberger for helping with set-up, break-down, tables ,and arranging for port-a-potties,

Bill Sines for helping prepare the property, set-up and break down, improving the parking sign, and directing traffiic.

Former Trustees and members of the community also contributed. Catherine Weber organized the Art on the Trails, and helped prepare the program and signs. Whit Beals did on-going preparation work on the property. Thank you also to Pam Saitta and Andre Mehta for loaning us the big shelter, thus assuring the weather would be beautiful, and to Pilgrim Church for loaning tables and a large sandwich board. Barb Black designed and ordered the SOLF tee-shirts and hats that were for sale. Thank you to all.

Many thanks to a large number of volunteers who helped throughout the day.

Pam Esty

George Gay

Susanne Healy

Sandy Kiess

Diane Koziel

Will Koziel

Ben Heiserman

Jed Watters

Amanda Watters

Barb Black

Larry Modestow

Gordon Morrison

Milosz Dworakowski

The volunteers from Marlborough Savings Bank, David, Judy, Nancy and Ken

Many people gave freely of their time to present displays and activities for the event.

Emily van Nort – nature-based face painting

Will Kirkpatrick and the Oak Grove Painters.

John Maguranis, from Project Coyote

Dan Guilford – the Southborough Trails Committee

Carl Guyer and Stan Tanenholz – Southborough Green Technology and Recycling Committee

Spencer from EMS – a display of kayak equipment

We thank also the many individuals and businesses who made contributions to our silent auction and assured its success.

Finally, thank you to all who have supported SOLF over the years and the many who came to yesterday’s celebration. Without the help of all, we could not have had this wonderful celebration.

See more

25th Anniversary Activities Schedule


Activities Schedule Southborough Open Land Foundation 25th Anniversary, September 15 1:00 to 5:00, Beals Preserve


Blackstone Valley Bluegrass: 1:15 to 2:00 (near the kiosk)

Walk with Nature Artist/Author Gordon Morrison 1:30 to 2:15: Meet near Mr. Morrison’s display in the Main Lane

Animal Adventures 2:15 to 3:15 (in the parking field near entrance)

Blackstone Valley Bluegrass 3:15 to 4:00

Gordon Morrison: Nature drawing demo and lesson: ages 8 and up. 3:30 to 4:30


Silent Auction

Nature Face painting with Emily Van Nort

Oak Grove Painters

Self-guided trail walks

Art on the trails exhibit


John Maguranis- Project Coyote

Dan Guilford- Southborough Trails Committee

Carl Guyer- Southborough Recycling

Gordon Morrison- Nature Artist, Author

Note! Don’t Miss Our Silent Auction!

Make a bid, Get a Really Good Deal and help

Southborough Open Land Foundation

Fundraising Night at Romaine’s Wood Grill and Bar, Tuesday, November 12

SOLF is having a fundraising night at Romaine’s Wood Grill and Bar, 299 West Main Street, Northborough, MA., Tuesday, November 12, from 5 to 9 PM. Make your reservations for meeting family or friends. Tell your server that you are there for SOLF and  SOLF will receive 15% of receipts for your meal. Enjoy! Thank you for your support of SOLF!
Call 508-393-8889 to make your reservations.




Silent Auction at 25th Anniversary Celebration

SOLF will have a silent auction at its 25th anniversary celebration on September 15th at Beals Preserve from 1 to 5PM. We have both gift certificates from local businesses and  contributions from local residents.

The gift certificates are from the following businesses.

  • Art and Frame Emporium
  • Arturo’s Ristorante
  • Candy’s Beauty Salon
  • Cheng Du Restaurant
  • Children’s Orchard
  • Designer Jewelers
  • Domino’s Pizza
  • Eastern Mountain Sports
  • English Garden Florist
  • Enjoy Life Acupuncture
  • Every Body Balance
  • Fay School Traditional Camp at Fay Discovery
  • Gulbankian Florists and Greenhouses
  • Innovations Hair Salon
  • Mugford’s Flower Shoppe
  • Nicolina’s
  • Owen O’Leary’s Southborough
  • Phaidra Nail Salon
  • Posh Nails
  • PR Running
  • Rejuvenation Massage Therapy
  • Shrubs and Trees, Inc.
  • Simple Enough Natural Foods
  • Southborough Auto Tech
  • Southborough Auto Tech/Choice Car Wash
  • Southborough House of Pizza
  • Starbucks
  • Tatnuck Bookseller
  • Tavolino’s Ristorante
  • Tomasso Trattoria & Enoteca
  • Trombetta’s Farm
  • Uhlman’s Ice Cream
  • Wayside Inn

Individual Donors

  • Jack Barron
  • Barbara Black
  • Deborah Costine, Puppeteer
  • Marston Cough
  • Pamela Esty
  • Sandy Kiess
  • Will Kirkpatrick
  • Wendy Reuger
  • Acacia Warren
  • Amanda Watters


Come celebrate with us, it’s free and open to the public. The auction will be held rain or shine. We will have tents in the event of inclement weather. Beals Preserve is located on Main Street across from Chestnut Hill Road. Ample parking will be available in the field next to the entrance.


Call for Art on the Trails

As part of its 25th Anniversary Celebration at Beals Preserve on Sunday, September 15th, SOLF is calling for installations for Art on the Trails. The activity is open to any individuals or groups who wish to install art that celebrates nature and its natural environment. Full details are available in the downloadable prospectus Call for Art on the Trails. For more information contact Catherine Weber at or call 508-303-3604.

Butterfly Walk, July 13, 2013

SOLF  sponsored a butterfly walk on July 13 at 10:00 AM at Beals Preserve  led by Stephen Moore and Barbara Vokle from the Massachusetts Butterfly Club. Unfortunately, it began to rain shortly before the walk was to begin, and butterflies are sun loving. But the group of 15 attendees walked the trails of Beals Preserve in the rain anyhow. No butterflies were seen, but  several  moths, some spiders,  a hummingbird in the trees near the butterfly planting,  and a common yellow-throat warbler were spotted. There was also  a self-sown Cone Flower along the main lane. All-in-all, no butterflies, but an interesting and fun walk.

Award Given to Sally Watters

At the SOLF Board of Trustees meeting of June 18, 2013,  Sally Watters finished her term as Southborough Open Land Foundation (“SOLF”) president, which she held since 2007.

The highlight of Sally’s term was that of SOLF receiving a 56-acre parcel of land in 2008 from Elaine and the late Phil Beals, longtime Southborough residents and area civic leaders. Then with help from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and many volunteers, Sally and other SOLF trustees turned a section of Beals Preserve into an “early succession habitat to promote biodiversity for at-risk species. Since 2009, SOLF has also hosted many passive recreation and nature seminars at this beautiful property for the community’s benefit.

Sally received her AB in History from St. Lawrence University and MA in History from Clark University. She worked for several years as head counselor at the Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Stony Brook Reservation Day Camp. A history and geography teacher for 34 years in the Walpole Public Schools, Sally won an award from the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library for outstanding curriculum development. As befits an educator, Sally was especially interested in sharing SOLF properties with area youth for education and leadership development opportunities, including local Boy Scout troops, Girl Scout troops, Southborough’s Extended Day Program, and Algonquin Regional High School community service projects.

A SOLF trustee since 1990, Sally also supports Pilgrim Congregational Church, is an Election Day poll volunteer, and helps organize the Boston Marathon at the Hopkinton, MA starting line.

Sally and husband Jed moved to Southborough in 1976. They are parents of two daughters, both graduates of Algonquin and St. Lawrence. Rebecca also received a degree from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Science and has done environmental work in Mongolia and Cambodia. She presently works for a conservation organization in Jackson, WY. Amanda works as an editor for science textbooks, enjoys nature photography, and is an elite runner.

To recognize Sally’s many civic contributions, Southborough’s Board of Selectmen designated  June 18, 2013,  as Sally B. Watters “Day of Honor.” Congratulations Sally.

The photos below show Sally with the proclamation from the Southborough Board of Selectmen, and the proclamation given her.

Sally and award EPSON MFP image