SOLF owes a tremendous thank you to all those who helped to make our 25th Anniversary Celebration on September 15 such a success. First a big thank you to the Beals family for donating the land that provides such a wonderful venue for events such as this.
Among the Members of the Board of Trustees we thank
Debbie Costine for the countless hours she spent coordinating the event – a party planner extraordinaire – and for donating a professional puppet performance to the silent auction.
Carol Gay for getting donations for the silent auction, keeping detailed records, remembering details, sending out publicity notices, and always being there to help.
Sally Watters for sending Constant Contact reminders, soliciting donations for and coordinating the silent auction, finding a source of tables and doing the pick up and return of them.
Betty Meyer for soliciting many donations for the silent auction.
Amy Kassatly for all her work to prepare the property and at the event.
Jake Walter for his work helping prepare the property and helping with set-up.
Attila Herczeg for help with setting up and his spirited bidding at the silent auction.
Hal Kiess for helping with set-up, break-down, and keeping the web site current.
Jack Barron for being our hospitable greeter and for donating the ever popular giant chocolate bar for the silent auction.
Hewitt Heiserman for helping with set-up and break-down.
Acacia Warren for the many hours she spent selling t-shirts and hats at the Transfer Station promoting SOLF, for selling food at the event, and donating a paella for the silent auction..
Bill Hohenberger for helping with set-up, break-down, tables ,and arranging for port-a-potties,
Bill Sines for helping prepare the property, set-up and break down, improving the parking sign, and directing traffiic.
Former Trustees and members of the community also contributed. Catherine Weber organized the Art on the Trails, and helped prepare the program and signs. Whit Beals did on-going preparation work on the property. Thank you also to Pam Saitta and Andre Mehta for loaning us the big shelter, thus assuring the weather would be beautiful, and to Pilgrim Church for loaning tables and a large sandwich board. Barb Black designed and ordered the SOLF tee-shirts and hats that were for sale. Thank you to all.
Many thanks to a large number of volunteers who helped throughout the day.
Pam Esty
George Gay
Susanne Healy
Sandy Kiess
Diane Koziel
Will Koziel
Ben Heiserman
Jed Watters
Amanda Watters
Barb Black
Larry Modestow
Gordon Morrison
Milosz Dworakowski
The volunteers from Marlborough Savings Bank, David, Judy, Nancy and Ken
Many people gave freely of their time to present displays and activities for the event.
Emily van Nort – nature-based face painting
Will Kirkpatrick and the Oak Grove Painters.
John Maguranis, from Project Coyote
Dan Guilford – the Southborough Trails Committee
Carl Guyer and Stan Tanenholz – Southborough Green Technology and Recycling Committee
Spencer from EMS – a display of kayak equipment
We thank also the many individuals and businesses who made contributions to our silent auction and assured its success.
Finally, thank you to all who have supported SOLF over the years and the many who came to yesterday’s celebration. Without the help of all, we could not have had this wonderful celebration.
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