Southboro Open Land Foundation

people looking over meadow at sunset

Butterfly Walk, July 13, 2013

Published on July 13, 2013 by Eileen Samberg

SOLF  sponsored a butterfly walk on July 13 at 10:00 AM at Beals Preserve  led by Stephen Moore and Barbara Vokle from the Massachusetts Butterfly Club. Unfortunately, it began to rain shortly before the walk was to begin, and butterflies are sun loving. But the group of 15 attendees walked the trails of Beals Preserve in the rain anyhow. No butterflies were seen, but  several  moths, some spiders,  a hummingbird in the trees near the butterfly planting,  and a common yellow-throat warbler were spotted. There was also  a self-sown Cone Flower along the main lane. All-in-all, no butterflies, but an interesting and fun walk.