Southboro Open Land Foundation

people looking over meadow at sunset

Volunteer to Help in Our Wildlife Survey at Beals Preserve

Published on February 24, 2014 by Eileen Samberg

  Starting on March 30, we began to assess what wildlife inhabits the Beals Preserve. We  are focusing  our attention on New England “herps” (reptiles and amphibians)!  There are almost 50 species of turtles, snakes, frogs, toads and salamanders with documented ranges that include Massachusetts and little is known about which are found in  Beals Preserve.  Many are considered threatened or endangered and Beals Preserve could house critical populations!  So, on March 29, we  placed transects (observation sites at regular intervals) at a pond edge and meadow, to provide a small sample into amphibians and reptiles live in the preserve.  But we need your help!  Since herps use their habitats in different ways and can be active both day and night, especially in the warmer months, we are calling on volunteers to help us collect data 3 times daily (9-10 am, 2-3pm and 7-9 pm (just after dusk).  This exciting opportunity will both provide valuable insight into how our preserve is being used by local fauna and provide a unique chance to explore nature and its remarkable diversity. If you would like to volunteer, or would like more information, please contact, email Freddie Gillespie at  You need not volunteer for every day or each time slot to be of help to us.  The project is being planned and guided by Southborough resident and SOLF member Lawrence Spezzano Jr. You can read more about volunteering for this project here.