Southboro Open Land Foundation

people looking over meadow at sunset

Volunteer Work Days – July and August

Published on May 30, 2024 by Eileen Samberg

Your volunteer work with us truly makes a difference. With the help of dedicated volunteers, SOLF maintains 15 beautiful properties, providing wonderful open space preservation and walking trails for all to enjoy. Reminder: All workdays start at 9:30 AM. Bring your gloves & bug spray! Even if you can only join us for an hour, it helps!

Sign up on the volunteer interest list here.
Please also fill out our survey – we are eager to learn about your volunteer preferences.

Tentative workdays for July and August.
If you have signed up as a volunteer, you will get an invitation on signup genius or email.

7/20/2024Beals Preserve
7/27/2024Lynbrook Hollow RSVP
8/3/2024Beals Preserve RSVP
8/10/2024Lambert Corner RSVP
8/17/2024Bigelow Wildlife Refuge
8/24/2024Templeman Woods
8/31/2024Beals Preserve

Please contact for more information.

Art on the Trails 2024 at Beals Preserve

Published on January 22, 2024 by Eileen Samberg

Southborough Open Land Foundation, in collaboration with Southborough Artist Catherine Weber, is pleased to present the 8th Annual Art On the Trails in the summer of 2024 on Beals Preserve. The art juror will be the amazing Marie Craig of Fountain Street Gallery. The call for art opens February 15. The installations will be on site from June 15 to September 15.

The 2024 Art on the Trails program is themed Legacy. It is dedicated to the memory of Whitney Beals, who passed away in September 2023. Whit was the President of the Southborough Open Land Foundation and dedicated his life to land conservation and forestry. As a child, the land across the street from his house, now Beals Preserve, was his playground. While he was well educated, he would attest that he was educated by and in the Forest. In his honor, we invite artists to consider the legacy that he and his family have left for the town of Southborough and propose art installations that support this theme. Visit the Art on the Trails website.

SOLF Board Meetings

Published on November 3, 2023 by Eileen Samberg

SOLF usually meets the second Wednesday of the month, from 7 – 9 pm, current location at Pilgrim Church. You are welcome to join us and hear about maintenance projects and programs we are planning. Contact us at for more information.