What?: The Trustees of SOLF are issuing a challenge. We will match donations to the newly established Linda Hubley Scholarship Fund up to a total of $1000. Make this donation as part of the town-wide Planet Palooza Earth Day Celebration.
Why?: Linda was one of Southborough’s champions of the environment. .SOLF recognized Linda’s lifelong devotion to environmental protection by awarding her the Elaine Beals Conservation Award in 2010. We want to continue honoring her legacy by supporting the newly established Linda Hubley Scholarship Fund. You can read about the scholarship and Linda at https://www.mysouthborough.com/2022/03/04/town-announces-linda-hubley-memorial-scholarship/.
How?: Send a check payable to the Linda Hubley Scholarship Fund and mail it to:
SOLF, PO Box 345, Southborough, MA 01772, or donate online on our Support SOLF Today page (details on that page). We will see that it gets to the town scholarship committee, but need to have it mailed to our address for the match.