Lisa Braccio Receives 2021 Elaine Beals Award
Published on December 29, 2021 by Eileen Samberg
SOLF is very pleased to have this opportunity to present the 2021 Elaine Beals Conservation Award to Lisa Braccio. For a long time Lisa has worked hard at giving back to the town and the region. To be very honest, several of us thought we had given this award to Lisa years ago and were surprised in checking our records to discover she had somehow been overlooked. We all know Lisa today as a member of the town select board, but she got her start in town politics on the Open Space Preservation Commission because of her dedication to protecting open space and the environment. She worked on helping with the preservation of Chestnut Hill Farm and the Golf Course. In 2017, she was first elected to the select board where she continues to serve. She was recently chosen as the Worcester District Representative on the Massachusetts Select Board Association, representing the select boards of 55 towns in the county. In addition, Lisa serves on the town Master Plan Committee and the Capital Planning Committee. She, along with Debbie Wilson, spearheaded several troop drives to send care packages to members of the American armed forces deployed to combat areas. And while doing all these things she has helped her husband Matt run his business, Perhaps her most important role has been raising their son Robert. Lisa is definitely like the energizer bunny.
We are very happy to present her with the 2021 Elaine Beals Conservation Award.