Author Archives: Eileen Samberg

Bird Walk with Jeff Collins, May 18th

A group of early risers joined Massachusetts Audubon’s Jeff Collins at Beals Preserve to learn about birds in the Southborough area. The birds seemed a little elusive this year, and many did not want to readily show their faces. But many in the group were surprised by the large variety of birds at Beals Preserve, including an Orchard Oriole and an Indigo Bunting. We hope to have a list of all the birds seen or heard posted in a few days.

Bird Walk with Jeff Collins

A group of early risers joined Massachusetts Audubon’s Jeff Collins at Beals Preserve on May 18, 2013, to learn about birds in the Southborough area. In comparison to previous walks, we saw fewer species because a spring weather pattern shifted migration to this Midwest this  year. Nevertheless, a variety of species were observed including a Chimney Swift, American Goldfinch, American Robin, Baltimore Oriole, Barn Swallow, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Bobolink, Common Grackle, Common Yellowthroat, Comorant, Eastern Kingbird, Gray Catbird, Great Blue Heron, Great Crested Flycatcher, Green Heron, House sparrow, Indigo Bunting, Mourning Dove, Northern Cardinal, Red-tailed hawk, Red-winged Blackbird, Song Sparrow, Tree Swallow, and a Yellow Warbler. A  Black-capped Chickadee, Blue-winged Warbler, Northern Parula Warbler, Overnbird, and Yellow Warbler were heard, but not seen.

2013 Annual Meeting

The 2013 annual meeting SOLF on May 7 featured a presentation on co-existing with coyotes by John Maguranis, the Animal Control Officer for the Town of Belmont, and the Massachusetts representative to Project Coyote.


The meeting also featured the presentation of the annual Elaine Beals Conservation Award to Southborough resident Rhonda Russian for her 22 years of service on the Southborough Conservation Commission and her work as an attorney for the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Rhonda  also received a proclamation of appreciation  from the Massachusetts House of Representatives presented by State Representative Carolyn Dykema. The Elaine Beals  Award is presented annually by SOLF  to a person who has worked to help protect the environment in Southborough. Rhonda is shown receiving the award from Elaine Beals, and with State Representative Carolyn Dykema and SOLF President Sally Watters.


Two members of the Board of Trustees were also recognized for their service to SOLF. Outgoing president Sally Watters was presented a drawing from Beals Preserve, and three books were presented to the Southborough Library in honor of long-time trustee Betty Meyer, who is retiring from the board this year.  Congratulations to all.





2013 Elaine Beals Award Presented to Rhonda Russian

The Elaine Beals Conservation Award was presented to Rhonda Russian at the annual meeting of SOLF on May 7, 2013. The award was given to Rhonda  for her 22 years of service on the Southborough Conservation Commission and her work as an attorney for the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. State Representative Carolyn Dykema also presented a proclamation of appreciation on behalf of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. The Elaine Beals  Award is presented annually by SOLF  to a person who has worked to help protect the environment in Southborough. Rhonda is shown receiving the award from Elaine Beals, and with State Representative Carolyn Dykema and SOLF President Sally Watters.




Earth Day 2013 Cleanup

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Earth Day Clean Up and the Beals Preserve Invasive Plant attack today. Thanks to your efforts the area along Rte 85 from Templman Woods down to Richards Rd. looks much nicer. Let’s hope our attack on invasive plants at Beals Preserve will help stop their spread.




Annual Meeting, May 7, 7PM, Community House

Join us for our annual meeting at 7PM on May 7 at the Community House, 28 Main Street, Southborough. Our speaker for the evening will be John Maguranis, the Town of Belmont Animal Control Officer, who will give a presentation on coyotes and how we can best coexist with these animals.

We will also present the Elaine Beals Conservation Award to Rhonda Russian who served for many years on the Southborough Conservation Commission. This award is presented annually by SOLF at the annual meeting to a person who has worked to help protect the environment in Southborough. The meeting is free and open to the public.

SOLF Annual Meeting, May 7

Join us for our annual meeting at 7PM on May 7 at the Community House, 28 Main Street, Southborough. Our speaker for the evening will be John Maguranis, the Town of Belmont Animal Control Officer, who will give a presentation on coyotes and how we can best coexist with these animals.

We will also present the Elaine Beals Conservation Award to Rhonda Russian who served for many years on the Southborough Conservation Commission. This award is presented annually by SOLF at the annual meeting to a person who has worked to help protect the environment in Southborough. The meeting is free and open to the public.

25th Anniversary Celebration – Celebrating Nature, September 15, 2013

SOLF is celebrating its 25th year of existence in 2013. To mark this event, we are planning a celebration at Beals Preserve on Sunday, September 15 from 1 to 5 PM, rain or shine. Music will be provided by the Blackstone Valley Bluegrass band. We will also have  children’s activities, nature-related activities, a silent auction, and art displays on the trails. We are seeking donations for our silent auction. If you would like to help us with a donation,  please email  More information for the Call for Art on the Trails is available here.    The celebration is free and open to the public.  The celebration will be held rain or shine. Beals Preserve is located on Main Street across from Chestnut Hill Road. Ample parking will be available in the field next to the entrance.

Animal Tracking, February 23, 2013

Animal tracking expert David Brown led a group at Beals Preserve to identify animal tracks in the snow. Evidence was found of coyotes, cottontail rabbits, gray squirrels, raccoon, mink,fishers, and other animals. The pictures below show David Brown and the group participants.

 tracking_1 tracking_2 tracking_3

group and casts

David Brown has shared with us his  The Companion Guide to Trackards for North American Mammals has just been released for sale by the publisher. The 245-page guide interprets illustrations on the Trackards while providing additional illustrations and detailed information on track and scat morphology, trails, behavior and habitat. Each species-chapter also provides comparisons with the similar sign of other species and shows how to tell them apart. The two publications were designed as a single integrated system for successful identification of wildlife evidence found in the field.

For a limited time the Companion Guide is being offered by the publisher, McDonald & Woodward, at a very attractive introductory discount. If ordered directly from the publisher’s website, it can be purchased at 30% off the cover price. If the Trackards are ordered at the same time, the discount can be extended to both. For details please see the publisher’s website is

Visit David Brown’s website:

Snowshoe Clinic Cancelled

The snowshoe clinic at Beals Preserve sponsored by SOLF and Eastern Mountain Sports (EMS) that was scheduled February 9th from 10 AM to noon has been cancelled due to potentially dangerous conditions. If we are able to re-schedule the clinic, we will post the information as soon as possible.

Snowshoe Clinic, Jan. 26

SOLF and Eastern Mountain Sports  are sponsoring a snow shoe clinic at Beals Preserve on Saturday, January 26th from 10 AM til noon. Snow shoes and instruction are provided by EMS. The cost is $5.00 per person and space is limited. Reserve a spot by Monday, January 21st by contacting with the names of those interested. Please indicate if you are able to provide your own snowshoes. Weather dependent!

Heritage Day

Thank you to all who stopped by to visit our booth and buy note cards on Heritage Day, October 8. If you joined our email list, watch for an announcement of a walk at Beals Preserve in the next few weeks. If you are not on our email list and would like to receive emails of upcoming event and activities, go to our Contact page and send us an email requesting that you name be put on our list.

25 Years

Welcome to our newly updated website. We hope this site will be easier for you to use and for us to update and provide information about the activities we plan.

Our heartfelt thanks to Southborough resident Tim Ellis for his creativity and work in designing this site and making it operational.

In 2013, SOLF will be celebrating its 25th anniversary. Watch this site for more information on activities and events planned to celebrate this occasion. The site is a work in progress and we will be updating reports of past events as time permits.

Walking History Tour of Beals Preserve

Whitney Beals led a walking history tour of Beals Preserve on June 10, 2012. Whit talked about the history of the Beals Preserve property from the time that his family moved to Southboro in 1950, the dairy herd that used to graze there, the ice pond, the MDC police, and other memories about how the land was used as well as how much the property has changed.