Southboro Open Land Foundation

people looking over meadow at sunset

All About Beavers, February 23, 2016

Published on January 10, 2016 by Eileen Samberg

On Tuesday, February 23, 2016, Mike Callahan of Beaver Solutions, LLC, Southampton, MA ,  discussed  solutions  open to us when beavers begin to affect our property. He discussed the importance of beavers in creating and maintaining wetlands. He indicated that beaver ponds influence water quality by storing water and slowly releasing it. This process allows suspended particles to settle  and detoxify many runoff toxins. Despite these benefits, however, there are often conflicts when beaver dams threaten homes or septic systems. Mike presented potential solutions to these conflicts including flow control devices to control flooding from beaver dams and trapping where necessary. You can watch the presentation here.

This program was funded by a grant to SOLF from the Southborough Community Fund (SCF), Foundation for Metrowest.