Southboro Open Land Foundation

people looking over meadow at sunset

2013 Elaine Beals Award Presented to Rhonda Russian

Published on May 8, 2013 by Eileen Samberg

The Elaine Beals Conservation Award was presented to Rhonda Russian at the annual meeting of SOLF on May 7, 2013. The award was given to Rhonda  for her 22 years of service on the Southborough Conservation Commission and her work as an attorney for the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. State Representative Carolyn Dykema also presented a proclamation of appreciation on behalf of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. The Elaine Beals  Award is presented annually by SOLF  to a person who has worked to help protect the environment in Southborough. Rhonda is shown receiving the award from Elaine Beals, and with State Representative Carolyn Dykema and SOLF President Sally Watters.